Hello Volunteer Community!!
Thank you for your gift of your time and talents! We cannot do this without our parent/families community support!
All volunteers must be VIRTUS trained: Click here VIRTUS® Online (includes the every 3 year background check, training and code of conduct).
If you have not yet logged into your portal/4 digit pin number, below are instructions.
Portal Login info:
You can log in to your portal at the following URL: http://SS.Anoka.onvolunteers.com
Username is: (The primary email the family uses with the school)
Parent Default Password: SS@Anoka2023
Every Time you come in for a shift, check in/out with your assigned 4 digit PIN# (ex: 4583).
The first time you log in, you will see a ‘Start Guide’ screen, this has 4 short videos which will familiarize you with your portal. We recommend you watch at least the 1st video, the Introduction video. This video will show you how to personalize your password (which we strongly recommend you do, for security purposes).
ALL families are highly encouraged to give a minimum of 10 hours this school year. We are hoping this will cover our needs without having to make this mandatory in the future (without a fee charged).
If you have ANY questions about our volunteer process, great opportunities and more, please feel free to contact me at bnovinska@ststephenchurch.org OR 763-421-3236. Thank you again for your ongoing support of our school’s volunteer program.
Barb Novinska
Volunteer Coordinator
Current fundraisers and the percent of the fundraising goal contributed from each:
- Catholic United Financial Raffle/Matching Gifts (70 percent)
- Annual Holiday Craft Boutique (8 percent)
- Mardi Gras School Need (8-10 percent)
School Fund
The Church of St. Stephen School Fund is another way to provide support for our school. This fund primarily provides financial aid to families in need. Our school is blessed to have substantial support from our parish. Each year, at least 35 percent of the cost to educate a student is paid by the parish. Students receiving financial aid receive an additional reduction in tuition.
To contribute to this fund, contact the Church of St. Stephen or Donate Now.
School Service Projects
- Each lent, the school selects an organization to be the beneficiary of funds raised during the season.
- Classes periodically introduce additional programs to provide funds or items for those in need in our community. Watch the school newsletter for information
- Annual Coat Drive and clothing basics for ACBC. In November and December, St. Stephen’s collects clean, gently used winter coats for children and all ages and donates them to the ACBC. In addition, new packages of underwear and socks are high-need items and are included in our collection. Other gently used winter items such as hats, gloves, mittens, boots, scarves, and more may be donated as well.